Milling Informational Videos
Time is our most precious resource. In an effort to be efficient with both your time and mine I have put together these short videos to help you understand whether or not I would be a good fit for you. I ask that you watch all these videos prior to contacting me with questions.
The Lumber Process
I do not sell any finished products. Many people get confused when they see the beautiful pictures of the wood posted online when it is freshly cut and believe the piece is ready to go. The reality is that is far from the case and there are several more steps to go. I sell both green and dried wood. The green wood is cheaper because you are absorbing more of the process.
Not all mills are alike
Size matters. A 34" cut throat and a 24 foot long deck enables me to handle almost any log. I can easily cut counter tops and large book match slabs for dining room tables. Often people just compare hourly rate. That is only one attribute out of many. Quality of cuts, production volume and experience are other attributes to consider.
A Log's Worth?
There is a common misconception that logs are worth a lot of money and that is just not the case, especially when it comes to yard trees. For this reason, I do not buy or barter services for logs.